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Failed bid

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 12:31 pm    Post subject: Failed bid Reply with quote

I didn't win this auction despite placing a snipe well over the bid that won. Auction number 233521939632.


I've never had this happen before; can anyone help with an explanation please?
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Joined: 09 Aug 2007
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Location: Bristol, UK

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 1:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You might be better off asking Ebay directly, since this status will be what they passed back to Gixen when it attempted to place the bid.

However, form past experience, I might speculate that Ebay are still imposing limits of this type based on the activity level of the account (sudden increases in activity can look like the account has been taken over, for instance), or the age of the account (newer accounts they are not yet used to your level of buying and they like to see a consistent pattern of winning and paying and not causing sellers any issues before they allow you to buy too much), or because they don't have enough information about you to be sure that they can claim any losses from you should that prove necessary (things like having a credit card registered with them, or a Paypal account they know to have consistently been in good standing, etc..

But this is all speculation and I'm pretty sure the stock answer will be that it's a 'Security and Safety concern', unless you press them quite hard for a more substantial answer.

As to getting the limit removed or raised, so that this doesn't happen again, that too would be something that only Ebay can control. You may well find that so long as you run your Ebay account without issues you never encounter it again anyway, but that is something only Ebay can guarantee, of course.
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