Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy


Gixen.com service is not affiliated with eBay in any way.

Use the Gixen sniper service at your own risk. Although I have every confidence that my software will perform correctly, there are no guarantees of any kind. This includes, but is not limited to, that it can happen that gixen.com sniper fails to submit your bids on Ebay. If you need to bid on an item that is not replaceable for you, place your bid directly on eBay.

Gixen sites and pages in non-English languages are automatically translated by using a third-party service. Inaccurate translation, improper grammar, and mistakes in translation are possible, and, in fact, likely. Use at your own responsibility. Your credentials and personal information are never passed on to these services.

Gixen serves Google ads. This means that Google can collect certain information when you visit Gixen pages. To the best of my knowledge, this includes what pages you visited on Gixen. This requires your consent and you will be presented with a choice to choose options, including an option not to consent to this (which will not prevent you from using Gixen). Gixen does not disclose your Gixen user data to Google.

I will never distribute any of the personal information gathered, to any third party, except eBay and law enforcement when required. Your eBay's username and password are not required to use the service, Gixen uses your authorization that you can withdraw at any time. Gixen does not use your eBay account for any purpose other than placing a bid for you.

Gixen complies with GDPR and extends the same benefits to all users globally. You can delete your Gixen account and associated data at any time.