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PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:38 am    Post subject:

Thank you very much Mario!!! I've reverted my settings back to the original ones and I can confirm it's working beautifully again :)
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 10:58 pm    Post subject:

Made some extensive analysis, and found this to be an eBay bug, on a secondary interface, in a call I use to fetch item information. Unfortunately I did not catch this before deploying things, and I apologize for this.

I made modifications such that the primary interface call for fetching item information will be used until this is fixed, and secondary interface will be used on the mirror server to place bids (and primary on main server, that remains unchanged).

There is no need to revoke secondary authorization any longer, things should work now.

My sincere apology again for this issue.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 4:34 pm    Post subject:

Yes, this issue was only resolved by revoking the secondary ebay authorisation.
Not sure if this is a Gixen bug or ebay bug, but something needs to be done.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 3:30 pm    Post subject:

It's impossible to change the bidding currency, it's always the currency of the listing, but it's possible in the new interface that mis-recognizing the currency will cause the bid to fail.

I will look into this to see if there is a bug.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 1:18 pm    Post subject:

josep1973 wrote:
How can I do that, if possible?

For the moment, as others have stated, apparently revoking the second authorisation alters the function back to it was as previously with prices displayed in the auction currency.

I still DO NOT believe that this display change actually changes the currency that Gixen will bid in, I think that will still be in auction currency, but it would be good if someone could confirm or deny this for us, here...

Of course the display of whether you are being outbid is also messed up though... and this definitely needs to be addressed, very urgently.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 12:22 pm    Post subject:

I have the same issue.

I am in the UK. When I set a snipe for a non-UK item earlier today, which was priced in US dollars, it was previously clear that my snipe was in the currency of the item, because it stated the current bid in dollars.

Now, the current bid is displayed in GBP, so I can't tell whether Gixen is interpreting my snipe in dollars or in GBP.

It is being caused by the secondary authorisation status. I have just made this inactive and now the display is back to how it normally is
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 12:15 pm    Post subject:

Same problem here... I used to place my bids always in the original item's currency. When added to Gixen, the current price would always be in the original currency, but today I noticed it's now in USD. It's only when I change the target site to Spain that they show in Euro, but then everything would be in Euro and I place bids in other countries like the UK, so I'd like Gixen back to items in their original currency. How can I do that, if possible? If not, I'd ask you to go back to the original system or, at least, give the option to have one or the other. Thanks!
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 7:39 am    Post subject:

Have you got your Main target set to be the US site ?

I have mine set to the UK and it displays in GBP, when I set it to Canada it displays in CAD.

None the less I'd still suggest that the amount you enter is always in CAD... no matter what the current selling amount displays in... because I have seen no notification that Gixen is going to do any conversion itself... it never has in the past.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 7:10 am    Post subject:

even the minimum bid in gixen is now USD 0.50, not canadian 0.50 which doesnt make sense'as this was supposed to be in canadian dollars
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 7:02 am    Post subject:

Cupid wrote:
Can you provide an example auction for which this happens and a few more details ?

Is it just a display issue on the website, or are you actually saying the wrong amount has been submitted as a snipe bid ?

For example, item 392575570470
The current bid is canadian 11.50. But when added it to gixen, it became priced in US dollar (8.71) and I now have to enter the bid in US dollar.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 6:22 am    Post subject:

Can you provide an example auction for which this happens and a few more details ?

Is it just a display issue on the website, or are you actually saying the wrong amount has been submitted as a snipe bid ?
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 5:04 am    Post subject: All international bids are now in USD?

Recently all the bids I tried to input in gixen have all been automatically converted to USD although the auction was natively stated in british pounds or canadian dollars.
How do i retain the original currency bid?

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