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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:29 pm    Post subject:

Gixen will check the price again at the end of the auction, before it tries to place the snipe, so if the price has dropped, at that point, because bids have been withdrawn or cancelled then, yes, it will bid.

There is a limit to this, of course, that last check happens a minute or so before the auction ends, so if there is a bid cancellation or withdrawal in the last minute or so then that might result in Gixen not trying to bid on an auction where a bid might have otherwise been accepted.

That generally only happens if there is some kind of bid shielding going on, though... which is against Ebay rules... but that's a whole other story, I won't go into again here, since it's getting way off the subject.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 12:37 pm    Post subject:

Does the last comment imply that Gixen will attempt to place the bid, even if Gixen displays that the current price is higher?

I am asking because the current price Gixen shows is not correct, a bidder withdrew their bid, and now the current price on Ebay is now lower, and below my max bid price in Gixen. But Gixen shows the current bid is higher than my current snipe price in Gixen. So will Gixen just skip placing my bid at the end of the auction because it show the current price is higher than my snipe, or will Gixen still attempt to place the bid for me even though it thinks the Ebay price is higher?
PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 7:16 pm    Post subject:

Gixen only refreshes the current price periodically. Gixen is not designed to maintain the current price of auctions. You should add the item to your eBay watch list if you would like to have current auction information.

The beauty of using Gixen is that you can decide how much you wish to bid on an item, enter that amount for the item on your Gixen snipe page, and then forget about it. Gixen will simply place your bid seconds before the auction closes.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:17 pm    Post subject: gixen not even giving the current price


I loaded up both these and the current price is not refreshing . I have paid subscription so can I even trust it?

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