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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 6:29 pm    Post subject:

Brilliant, Mark! I would not have thought that the eBay authorization token would be stored with each snipe record, either.

It makes sense as a design decision, though. Everything needed to place the bid is recorded in one place so that the bid can be placed quickly without requiring any extra time (however small) that it would take to collect the token from a separate file location. I suspect this allows the bidding code to be more efficient (and robust), as well.

It would be interesting to hear Mario's thoughts on this, since he was the one who made this design decision.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:10 am    Post subject: Auth token is invalid. Validation of the authentication toke

Thanks - never occurred to me. All new snipes are going through fine so it is just the older ones done before the re-authorisation that had the error.
Thanks again.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 7:27 am    Post subject:

Have you edited any of those snipes since you did the (re-)authorisation ?

If not that may be worth a try, because I'm not sure whether or not the token gets related to the snipe only when it is changed/set up.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 2:30 am    Post subject: Auth token is invalid. Validation of the authentication tok

Ebay forced a password change now every time I get a "Auth token is invalid. Validation of the authentication token in API request failed."error on my snipes. Tried "Re-authorize Gixen on your eBay account" 4 times - no change. Doing this since yesterday - more than 30 snipes.

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