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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:09 pm    Post subject:

It's worth another try.

I'm not certain that 'Error -2929' really does mean there is a lack of capacity any more... at least one other error was reported as that but turned out to be some other issue.

So, if you get it again I'd recommend reverting to emailing Mario direct at the support address given on the Contact tab above, from the email you have registered, with both the Gixen id, the Ebay id, and also including the Error code.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:09 am    Post subject:

Thanks taking time to reply. I will keep trying. Hopefully things will get sorted over the next few days.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 3:42 am    Post subject:

There is not enough capacity for this change, either given by Ebay and/or there are probably capacity issues on the Gixen side too... the only solution is to keep trying... sorry...

For the record, I'm not impressed myself, either.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:08 pm    Post subject: Re:Error 2929

I am having the same issue. Is there a fix for this?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:01 pm    Post subject: Error -2929


I'm trying to register since yesterday in the new, but after linking my account with ebay i continue to receive :

Error -2929. This means that too many users are trying to authorize at the same time. Please wait 20 minutes, then repeat the re-auth procedure.

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