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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:47 am    Post subject:

Fair enough Forrest,

It is sometimes hard to interpret the tone from what people write... and it is very easy to get it wrong and sound more sarcastic than you mean to... I'm sure I too am guilty of that sometimes.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:01 pm    Post subject: Bad manners

Cupid wrote:
To be fair to sumflow I don't think they were trying to take the joy out of it... just demonstrating their knowledge of how eBay (and sniping works)...

Fair really has nothing to do with it actually. His knowledge may be correct, but his arrogance is what got to me. He could have stated very clearly what you have said without all the sarcasm, and in my book, anyone who does this may have the right facts, but fails as a person in giving others respect.

I doubt if sumflow would appreciate someone talking down to him as he did to me. No excuses.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:49 am    Post subject:

To be fair to sumflow I don't think they were trying to take the joy out of it... just demonstrating their knowledge of how eBay (and sniping works)... if I bid on an auction in America (I live in the UK) and someone looks at that bid from the .com site the time that is shown for the bid is the American time (well, one of them) but the time of that bid in my time zone was very much later, maybe even the next morning...

That said, there is very little harm in imagining your competitor for an item when you have used Gixen and they may have spent a great deal more effort to loose.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:52 am    Post subject: Re: Gixen is GOLD

1) He was bidding at night/ early morning because of the time date stamp on the bid.

2) It was a he and he was wearing a t-shirt with red sneakers and was eating poi for breakfast.

3) What makes YOU think you know how this bid came down when you weren't even involved?

Basically, I think you're the guy who lost the bid to me, lol. Please do me a favor and try not to take away some of the happiness that others experience when using Gixen.
PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:59 am    Post subject: Re: Gixen is GOLD


I agree with most of your statements, however:

sumflow wrote:
It does not matter when you placed it.

implies that there is no advantage to sniping, when there clearly is because it prevents others from reacting to your bid.
PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2012 11:18 pm    Post subject: Re: Gixen is GOLD

Forrest wrote:
Woke up this morning to find that another bidder actually stayed up all night till 3:00 and 59 seconds
What makes you think it was night where they were bidding from?
Forrest wrote:
Gixen put in my bid 6 seconds earlier than his live bid, thus winning me the item.
How can you tell that they was a he, or that they used a live bid, or that they stayed up late, or got up early. I am on Hawaiian time, I did not know that Gixen showed us all of those things about the first loser. What did they have for breakfast?

You won because you had the high bid. It does not matter when you placed it. Or when they place there competing bid.
PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 3:24 pm    Post subject:

Thank you Forrest.
PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2012 2:58 pm    Post subject: Gixen is GOLD

WHZI find it always amusing when tech stuff "doesn't work" for some people and then they go and slam the product or software when it's really user error.

But anyway, Gixen not only won me my bid, it allowed me to get a good night's sleep too.

I was bidding on an item that had a 3:01 AM ending time. Strange, I know, but even this is too late for me as a night owl. So I just put in my highest bid to Gixen and went to sleep that night. Woke up this morning to find that another bidder actually stayed up all night till 3:00 and 59 seconds to put in his bid and crowd out any potential competition. Pretty good timing, but not good enough as he was going against Gixen.

Unfortunately for him and fortunately for me, Gixen put in my bid 6 seconds earlier than his live bid, thus winning me the item for about a buck more.

That was just awesome. :lol:

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