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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 10:27 am    Post subject: Re: Follow up to first transaction

nochkin wrote:
So you can count yourself as a part of Gixen.

Thats very kind of you nochkin :oops:. Well I guess if some people regard me as part of the service I had better start trying to give excellent advice... to try and match Marios service :!:
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:30 am    Post subject: Re: Follow up to first transaction

Cupid wrote:
olliehon wrote:
you guys

As far as I know Mario is the sole owner and runner of the site... all the other contributers (like myself) are just normal users/hangers on/supporters :-)

Any good and well-made service website = website design&scripting + support (forum, etc)
So you can count yourself as a part of Gixen.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:51 am    Post subject: Re: Follow up to first transaction

olliehon wrote:
you guys

As far as I know Mario is the sole owner and runner of the site... all the other contributers (like myself) are just normal users/hangers on/supporters :-)
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:29 pm    Post subject: Re: Follow up to first transaction

nochkin wrote:
npcrolls wrote:
It was way cool to watch the bid come in. You might want to try it.

I personally snipe because I want to sleep during that time so "sleeping" and "watching" cause a conflict with each other :(

I agree. Anyways Gixen is great! I have tried other snipers before, some of which my bids actually got rejected when i could have won with my bid amount. I really appreciate what you guys have done here, providing ebay lovers such great service without asking for a cent. I will definitely recommend Gixen to my friends. Thanks!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:49 am    Post subject: Re: Follow up to first transaction

npcrolls wrote:
It was way cool to watch the bid come in. You might want to try it.

I personally snipe because I want to sleep during that time so "sleeping" and "watching" cause a conflict with each other :(
PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:52 am    Post subject: Follow up to first transaction

I just thought I'd follow up on this post.

eBay has a new countdown tool that is in Beta. It continuously coundowns remaining time on an auction and updates prices as bids come in.

Last night I used it to monitor my second Gixen snipe. With one second left, I received notification from eBay that I had bid on the item (Gixen snipe) and was high bidder.

I won the auction.

It was way cool to watch the bid come in. You might want to try it. :lol: :o

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:53 pm    Post subject: My First Gixen Experience

I submitted my first Gixen bid today after my experience last night.

I had two auctions ending at exactly the same time. One had no bids as the minimum was fairly high. The other had multiple bids.

So I snipped a bid on the first item 10% over the bid minimum with 25 seconds to go. eBay immediately responded indicating I had been outbid.

I was sufficiently flustered by what happened on the first snipe, that I didn't get the bid on the second snipe in on time. It went for 25% less than the miximum I planned to submit.


Never again!

So I logged onto Gixen for the first time later last evening and set up my first snipe for this afternoon. The item closed while I was on a conference call with a business partner. Once the call was over I leisurely logged onto Gixen to find out how I did.

I won.

This is way too easy.

Tonight I have four more snipes already to go. Assuming things go well (bids get submitted), I'll move over to the premium service, even if I don't win any of them. They are all low ball bids I wouln't take the time to mess with the old way.

Thank you.


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