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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 5:21 am    Post subject: Re: Cannot renew ebay authorization

This really is an issue that, ultimately, only Ebay can resolve.

However, I'm sure that, if it were widespread, Mario could raise it with them, but that's likely to be a very long winded process.

Can you elaborate on:

winesniper wrote:
as the claim using GIXEN would violate their terms and conditions!!

... you're not making a claim, you're trying to adhere to the security measures that they have put in place for your Ebay account.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 4:34 am    Post subject: Cannot renew ebay authorization

I cannot renew ebay authorization as the eBay security mechanism would send a 6 digit verification code to my miobile phone which never arrives (probably since I am in Germany and they woul'd add "+49" to my mobile number). EBay customer support doesn't help me as the claim using GIXEN would violate their terms and conditions!!

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