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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:28 am    Post subject:

Could it be implemented anyway and use at your own risk? I need it for sellers you know only put the item you want on. I know a game seller that only ever updates the stock of the game i want and i buy it when i get the email at the moment, would be great to just have gixen buy it automatically under a certain price.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 11:09 am    Post subject:

I wanted to implement this, I even named it product sniper, however the quality of eBay's catalog is not at the level where I could do it with confidence.

For example, instead of actual product you may end up with a part of that product, wrong color, etc.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:59 am    Post subject: Automatically Buy it now

Hi, i was wondering if you could add the option to automatically buy it now on a specific item number when they come back in stock?
For example a big seller always puts the stock to 1 when it comes back into his store and i would add the item number and a max price and it autobuys it when one comes in under that max price.
Thanks in advance

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