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PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 12:26 am    Post subject: Thank you!

Thanks to you, I was able to log in!
thank you very much!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 6:43 am    Post subject:

From the message it would seem that you have or are attempting to set up a Gixen account with exactly the same name as your Ebay account.

If so, please note that it is not recommended to use the same credentials for different things, and in this case it may be best if you start again and register a different Gixen id.

Do you have any remaining subscription associated with an existing Gixen account ? If so you can use the Mirror transfer form, accessed from the Settings page, to transfer it to a new Gixen account.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 6:19 am    Post subject: I can log in, I'm in trouble

When I first tried to log in to this site, I received an email like this.
This is a confirmation that your eBay account ocioci1688 is now unlinked from your Gixen account ocioci1688. All your eBay account-specific data that is provided to Gixen by eBay is now deleted. The data you provided to Gixen directly, as well as your bid history Gixen complies with GDPR privacy requirements and extends this to all its users globally. If you wish to also delete this additional data and close your Gixen account, you can do this from the Gixen settings page.

If you did not initiate this action on Gixen or eBay, please notify support(at mark)

I contacted this email address but did not receive any reply.
When I try to change my password, I don't receive an email with the code.

What do I have to do?

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