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PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 12:56 pm    Post subject:

What may be confusing here is that I haven't introduced this limit yet to ios and android. This is the reason why you are able to schedule more than 4 snipes at once. But this will change soon, the same limits will apply as in the web UI.
PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 11:23 am    Post subject:

It's not the number of snipes that you schedule, it's the number of snipes that you win that count towards that total of 4 snipes per month. You can schedule many more than that over that period, if you keep losing.

So without any history you can schedule 4 snipes, once you win one you can only schedule 3 more snipes, win 2 and you can only schedule 2 more and so on. Once the month anniversary of the first win expires the number of snipes you can schedule once again increases by 1.

So you can win up to 4 auctions, without subscribing, in any rolling month long period, but if you've already won 4 over that month you can't schedule any more snipes until one of them is at least a month ago.

If you win 4 then don't schedule any more for a month after the last win then you will be back to being able to scheduling 4 snipes again.

The intention is that users that don't schedule many snipes and don't win many either can continue to use the service for free.

For further information, this is the thread where the restriction was first announced and discussed in some detail.
PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 9:20 am    Post subject: Re: 4 free snipes at at time

0xauction wrote:
I am confused about the 4 free snipes. Is it 4 free snipes a month? Or does it become renewed after 4 snipes occur, within the same month? Does it happen for the 4 most earliest ending bids?

Thank you

"You have reached the limit of 4 free snipes (won + scheduled) within the last month. Please subscribe to Gixen mirror on the settings page before adding more snipes."

I have multiple snipes readied (12) on the free version. I am curious if after the 4 free snipes are won this month, are the next four scheduled snipes to be next by order of bid ending (immediately) ?
PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 9:09 am    Post subject: 4 free snipes at at time

I am confused about the 4 free snipes. Is it 4 free snipes a month? Or does it become renewed after 4 snipes occur, within the same month? Does it happen for the 4 most earliest ending bids?

Thank you

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