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PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:03 pm    Post subject:

You did nothing wrong - this was indeed an eBay problem. It's rare, but it happens.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 4:49 am    Post subject:

What status was the snipe given by Gixen after the auction had completed ?

Were you making changes late on, your description of what happened seems to imply that perhaps you were making changes at a late stage ?

Are you aware that it is not a good idea to use the browsers Refresh button, especially after any changes are made as it means 'do the last thing again' and can therefore result in repeated but unwanted changes to your snipe ?

I think you must be confusing the Gixen snipes page with watching the Ebay auction page, because the timer has never been dynamic on Gixen.

The recommended way to get updates on the snipes page is to push the 'Add' button without any snipe details in the boxes.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:07 pm    Post subject: There was a problem with an eBay internal system or process

Ebay item #: 284176586046

I'm pissed as hell! I've used Gixen several times before & never lost a bid until this just happened! What happened? When I googled "gixen there was a problem with an ebay internal system or process" & couldn't get any results for support. I was afraid something bad was happening as I've seen the timer countdown in real time & it wasn't happening this time. When I refreshed the screen while I was viewing the item I had to re-login. If I had Gixen Mirror could this have been avoided? When I put in a large bid expecting it would win I had an ad/message saying somthing to the effect of "you submitted a large bid. You should consider Gixen mirror". Did i lose my bid because I didn't do that? Was I baited & switched? It feels that way. After this major loss I thought of buying it, but then thought "why would i give them money when they screwed me over for free already"?

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