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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:25 am    Post subject:

Yes, that is how it should work, if you pay for more subscription it will be additive.

However, you'll then find it continues to renew 256 days before your subscription is due to run out, of you want Mario to sort that out so that he renewal date more closely matches the point at which your subscription is due to run out you will need to email him and provide all the details he'll need to sort that out for you.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:31 am    Post subject: Re: Renewal

kinggooner wrote:
Hi Mario,
Can you just clarify renewals.

I have 256 days remaining, but I had an issue with PayPal (long story) but basically they have reincarnated my account, but all subscriptions are no longer there.

IF I create a new subscription by renewing today (say 2 years at $11) will this two years be added to my existing 256 days or will those (already paid for) days disappear.

In other words if I renew today, should I see "Subscription Days Left" as 986 days in the app?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:24 am    Post subject: Renewal

Hi Mario,
Can you just clarify renewals.

I have 256 days remaining, but I had an issue with PayPal (long story) but basically they have reincarnated my account, but all subscriptions are no longer there.

IF I create a new subscription by renewing today (say 2 years at $11) will this two years be added to my existing 256 days or will those (already paid for) days disappear.

In other words if I renew today, should I see "Subscription Days Left" as 086 days in the app?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 3:12 pm    Post subject:

Email me - you can subscribe and I can make a partial refund to align mirror subscription expiry with the paypal recurring payment billing date. Include your username in the email, please.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 1:43 pm    Post subject:

Presumably your current subscription is not recurring ?

New payments are additive, and just add to what you already have in terms of duartion.

If you make an new payment you could, I guess, additionally ask for a partial refund on your original payment, if you didn't wish to constantly remain 7 months ahead of the game, but you'd need to request that direct from Mario via email. The email address is provided on the Contact tab above, you need to include your Gixen id in all correspondence of this type.

If you're already on a recurring deal you can always cancel that yourself from your Paypal account.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:26 am    Post subject: Gixen Mirror Price Increase

My subscription does not end until Sun, Jul 25, 2021. However, I would like to lock in the 2-year recurring renewal to hold the price. How do I do this???

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