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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:40 pm    Post subject: Re: disappearing snipes

jackw8233 wrote:
I should have put the item on my ebay watch list but thought I could see what happened by looking at gixen. thought I had used my user name but guess I hit the wrong key,this time it is correct if you could look into it. THANKS

Are the items in question older than 48 hours? Email me if the list of snipes is important to you. Include your username & some proof that it it's yours, e.g. description of item you bid on.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:03 pm    Post subject: disappearing snipes

I should have put the item on my ebay watch list but thought I could see what happened by looking at gixen. thought I had used my user name but guess I hit the wrong key,this time it is correct if you could look into it. THANKS
PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:05 am    Post subject:

Snipes are purged 48 hours after auction end. I can take a look in the logs if you post the item number (or at least your username).
PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:53 pm    Post subject: disappearing snipes

I was sure I had a Bat Masterson document listed on my snipe list but I don't find it on my ebay won or lost list and it is not on my gixen list.Any idea what happened? seems my list has been getting purged without me doing it.can I look at my old snipe history or is it gone for good if it isn't on my snipe page list?
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:29 pm    Post subject:

Well, I looked into this, and there is no doubt that two different passwords were used. Email me for more details if you like. Note that if you logged in to Gixen even a few months ago and changed your ebay password afterwords, you would still be able to log in with your old password to Gixen until you log in with the new password for the first time. This is because validity of user's password is not checked with ebay each time you log in to Gixen; instead a hash of a verified password is saved.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:22 am    Post subject:

Hey Mario

There was two originally, then I logged in before and there were none. I have added 3 (including the 2 originally that were in there), and thats all I can see in there.

Nope, havent changed my password in the last few months.

There will be some double ups then - are you able to remove the first two that were put in?


PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:22 am    Post subject:

Did you change your password at ebay by any chance?
I can see 5 scheduled snipes under your username.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:20 am    Post subject: snipes missing from account

I just logged in to gixen to add a new snipe for an item in a few days, and was expecting to see the other two snipes I set up on Friday (and had checked on Sunday too).

There was nothing in my account anymore. The two snipes had disappeared. Im a paying member too.

Any idea what has happened?

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